In a PAEPARD blogpost of October Sharefair 2014 on women’s technologies was already reported. GA of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development 3 organisors/participants witnessed about its success. The three-day regional Sharefair on rural women’s technologies took place in Nairobi in celebration of the International Day of Rural Women and the World Food Day. The Share Fair was co-funded by the European Commission.
Although agricultural fairs are a common feature in expansion services offered in your community, this was the first time that the concentrate was specifically on technology for rural smallholder women. This topic is particularly relevant in the International Year of Family Farming and the African Union’s year of agricultural productivity and food security. IFAD performed a dynamic role in all respects of the Sharefair. Elizabeth Ssendiwala (ESA – Regional Gender Coordinator) was a member of the arranging committee and delivered the synthesis of findings on the ultimate day. Over 100 technologies and innovative activities led by women were exhibited at the Sharefair.
They centered on: improved food security; time and labor saving; reduced post-harvest losses; value addition, weather-change version; increased productivity;, and machinery and tools that enable farmers better manage production at a reasonable price. Portable electro-chemical Aflatoxin testing kit, Mushroom growing from affordable, available materials readily, Mobile application for livestock production, and Farmland ownership mapping software. The toolkit on lasting addition of smallholders in agricultural value chains aspires to support the design of IFAD-supported Value Chain (VC) tasks.
How TO ACCOMPLISH Note: Conceptualizes key issues and guidance for design and execution. Lessons Learned: Analyses experiences with recommendations for the future. The land tenure toolkit offers valuable recommendations to help practitioners evaluate and address land tenure issues during the development of country strategies and in the look and execution of programs and tasks.
Teaser: Offers an overview of the issues and the difficulties, opportunities, and benefits in addressing land tenure issues. The Supporting rural teenagers in IFAD projects: Lessons learned available in English, French, and Spanish is based on an assessment of 19 IFAD-financed projects with strong pro-youth features and/or promising innovations in reaching young people in rural areas. The review discovered a broad range of project approaches to pro-youth development within the last two decades. The present document summarizes the results on what has been done and where possible, on why and exactly how.
One of the major functions of the disease fighting capability is to protect the body against dangerous pathogens. It also functions to develop an immune system against any potential infections. What are both major the different parts of a CPU? CPU, and the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) which perform arithmetic, comparison, and reasonable functions. Both of these components interact to perform digesting operations.
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What are major functions of political systems? What exactly are the major functions of carbohydrates in plants? What are the three major functions of the nasal cavity? What exactly are both major functions of the tiny intestine? The two major functions of the tiny intestine for the reason that is the absorption of nutriance and helping to gone wastes that the body doesn’t need to maintain homeostasis.
February 17 – New York Times (Steven Erlanger and Katrin Bennhold): “European market leaders have long been alarmed that President Trump’s words and Twitter text messages could undo a trans-Atlantic alliance that had grown stronger over seven decades. They had clung to the hope that those ties would keep up under any risk of strain.